Quality Management


Due to the safety of the process offered by Beatrice Peanut, the capacity and high quality of the peanut is guaranteed so it achieves the standards according to each client’s specification.

Boas Práticas Agrícolas – BPA (Good Agricultural Practices), Boas Práticas de Fabricação – BPF (Good Manufacturing Practices), Procedimento Padrão de Higiene Operacional - PPHO (Operacional Hygiene of Standard Procedures), and Análise de Perigos e Pontos Críticos de Controle – HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) are applied to the fields, going from the moment the peanut goes to the company, until the delivery of the final product.

These programs are internally and externally audited by Beatrice Peanuts team, by a trained consultant and by the clients.



BRCGS (Brand Reputation through Compliance) is one of the main market-leading global brands for food safety benchmarked by the GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) which aims to create standards in food safety and packaging, from suppliers to retail chains.

Grupo Beatrice has been BRCGS certified since 2018 and recently we have been audited again achiving “AA” grade certification, the highest possible score.


HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) is certainly the most versatile of all the technical analytics at the aflatoxin control. That means more security and quality to our clients.

Beatrice Peanuts is the only one in Brazil carrying out the aflatoxin control by HPLC.



For Beatrice, producing peanuts according to the guidelines of Islamic Law is another important achievement, which only proves the incessant search to reach the most distinguished and demanding world markets

April 2018 with the HALAL certification, which is issued for a wide variety of products and ideal for shipments on large closed vessels, Beatrice ensures maximum respect for all requirements required by the Islamic religion, ensuring that its peanuts are released to the consumption of Muslims around the world.

In this way, Beatrice Peanuts assumes responsibility for maximum quality according export regulations.



Since February 2018, Beatrice has obtained the Kosher Certificate, ensuring that its peanut production complies with the specific norms governing the Jewish Community.

With this certification, the company proves that its products follow all the requirements of the specific norms that govern the Jewish diet.

A world wide recognized certificate and attributed as a synonym of maximum quality control.


In December 2017, Beatrice was audited by SMETA (Sedex Member Ethical Tranding Audit), or "Ethical Trade Audit of Sedex Members".

This rigid audit is carried out on the basis of the ETI - Ethical Trade Initiative-a program that establishes standards for environmental, social, labor laws and business ethics, and its report is permanently available on Sedex platform.

Going beyond the audit, rather than ensuring the quality of the products, is to show total credibility, responsibility and transparency in the processes that involve the entire Beatrice Peanuts production chain.

Beatrice Peanuts quality and security policies
  • Ensure the secure peanut production to clients and consumers.
  • Observe and assist the required standards of quality of the products.
  • Assure the attendance to the legislation, norms and other applicable requirements.
  • Effective communication with the stakeholders.
  • To continuously improve the management system, ensuring the costumers and consumers satisfaction.
  • Enable and provide awareness to the contributors, establishing and keeping the culture and the compromise with the products quality and security.